Blog My Surrender

My Surrender


I walked into the retreat with excitement and trepidation. I knew it was going to be good yet I was half filled with dread.

They wanted me to surrender my phone, books, writing, and my voice. It was a silent retreat with no tools for escape.

I had never been without my phone for six days. I had never been silent for more than a few hours. Not even a full day. Ever.

And I discovered something wonderful. Not only was I just fine and okay, I could actually sit, stand, and walk in meditation for much longer than I ever thought possible.

Now it had never really been my goal to meditate for long periods of time, but I knew it would trigger me into looking deeper within than I ever had before.

And for the few months leading up to the retreat, I was feeling increasingly lost. I began 2023 gung-ho on reaching my goals but after a few weeks all my energy just fizzled out.

I began to question my values. They seemed to be changing.

I no longer felt that strong need to make a large amount of money.

I was feeling tired of constantly chasing the next corporate client.

I felt it was time to change my business goals but I didn't know which way to pivot.

So I opted for the spiritual experience and went to the Insight Meditation Society Retreat Center for a 7 day silent retreat.

You can read about that experience here.

Surrender became my word for the retreat and then I adopted it for the year.

And surrender I did. I let go of all the goals I had set in January and began to live life differently. I then patiently waited for my Inner Guidance (my Higher Self) to reveal to me what I was supposed to do next.

What was revealed became my latest course, A Life Review Journey, where I help clients who are past mid-life, to conduct their life review.

I've run a few successful groups so far and I have two more starting in March. There is only 6 seats available in each group, so they won't last long.

The group journey starts next week, so now is the time to sign up.

Of course, the solo opportunity ($25) is always available if you want to do it on your own. It's free if you can join me on Thursday at noon (see below).

Or you can hire me as your coach at $150 per hour of coaching while you are going through the six-week process.

If you feel a calling to conduct your life review, surrender to that and take the step to find out more. 

Click here to see what it would look like to work with me directly.

In the meantime, keep listening to your inner quiet voice, the one that is sometimes hard to follow, but you know has your best interest at heart.

Stop resisting what you know you need to do for yourself. Surrender to the process and allow it to unfold.

All my best,



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